Sunday, March 8, 2015

Tracy at the Train Station

I have a beautiful friend in Germany.  She is such a kind and loving person.  As a young mother she displays deep devotion to her children, and to raising them in the love and instruction of God.  I met her at the church we found to worship at shortly after arriving in Germany.  She makes for such a stunning subject for my camera lens.  She is originally from Bali, but has lived in Germany for many years.  She has a light and energy within her that comes from her love for God. It shines through her face and especially her eyes!  We went to eat at a restaurant after church on Sunday.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Rarely Do You Catch Lightning!

One summer evening I watched this storm coming up. I was standing on my back porch, and could see both the the moon and the storm.  Over a period of about 15 minutes I watched in fascination the symphony in the sky.  It was magnificent...
