Friday, July 31, 2015

More of Paris

I find people fascinating no matter where I go...

Even the Subway was packed with creative people.

For Our Anniversary We Went to Paris

Paris may well be my favorite city in the world.  I love places with rich history...

It was about sunset when we got to the Eiffel Tower on Friday, July the third.  Despite the soaring temperatures, there were people out everywhere.  It was so lovely.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Tracy at the Train Station

I have a beautiful friend in Germany.  She is such a kind and loving person.  As a young mother she displays deep devotion to her children, and to raising them in the love and instruction of God.  I met her at the church we found to worship at shortly after arriving in Germany.  She makes for such a stunning subject for my camera lens.  She is originally from Bali, but has lived in Germany for many years.  She has a light and energy within her that comes from her love for God. It shines through her face and especially her eyes!  We went to eat at a restaurant after church on Sunday.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Rarely Do You Catch Lightning!

One summer evening I watched this storm coming up. I was standing on my back porch, and could see both the the moon and the storm.  Over a period of about 15 minutes I watched in fascination the symphony in the sky.  It was magnificent...
